BINTANG INSTRUMENT DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Barat

  • 081362449440
  • 081362449440

081362449440 Jual Alat Ukur texture Makanan Texture Tester TEX-100N Texture tester Tex-200N

  • Harga: Rp. 136.500.000 / unit

  • Merk: JISC

  • Minimal Pembelian: 1 unit

  • Pembelian Maksimal: 50 unit

  • Pengiriman: 60 hari sejak pembayaran

  • Lokasi: DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Barat

  • Dilihat: 127 Kali

  • Pembaruan: 03-04-2024 15:07

Texture Tester 


Model : TEX-100N
Brand : JISC

  • So far texture of foods is judge by human sense of mouth feel.
  • The human sense is very important criteria but is has big problem.
  • Definition is not clear and feeling differs from person to person. Texture Tester TEX-100 can visualize the fuzzy mouth feel with “numeric value” so that you can make objective judgment of the texture.
  • For example, if you are manufacturer or server of the foods for children and elderly people, it is very important to check safety hardness for swallowing of such foods.
  • Food Texture Tester TEX-100N can be used for researching the food texture that affect to palatability for developing food and for checking as if the food for dysphagia satisfies the criteria.
  • It will be a good support for the quality control and inspection in the fields of food manufacturing processes

The tester measures by compressing the food with jig that automatically calculate the data such as hardness and adhesiveness base on the texture profile analysis method


The tester can provide you the following measurement results. Hardness, Adhesiveness, Cohesiveness, Brittleness, Springness, Chewiness, Gumminess and Adhesive force.

  • Texture test
  • Jelly strength test (JIS K 6503 or minced fish)
  • Compression test
  • Tension test
  • Peel test
  • Japanese
  • English
  • Simple Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Korean
Maximum Load 100N
Resolution 0.01N or 0.001N via Setting
Load Accuracy ±1% of Applied Load
Range Switch Over Automatic 2-range Switch Over
High (100N) Range & Low (10N) range
Maximum Stroke 130mm
Resolution 0.1 mm or 0.01 mm via setting
Accuracy ± (0.05 + 0.0001L) mm where L is the measuring length
Test Speed 1~600 mm/min
Sensor Control High performance servo motor and ball screw.
Protective STOP Function Upper and Lower Limit Switches
Overload Stop Protection
Emergency Stop Button
Stop via STOP key
Interface USB-COM (for communication)
USB-MEMORY unit etc.
Power Supply Single Phase AC 100V~240V (50/60Hz)
Power Rating 100VA
Dimension W338×D276×H424
Weight Approx. 16.5kg

Texture Tester 


Model : TEX-200N
Brand : JISC

.Fitur Tekstur makanan dapat diukur dan diuji teksturnya. Data seperti kekerasan, adhesi dan kekompakan dapat diukur.
Kapasitas beban (N): 200
Ukuran (mm): 338x276x424
Berat (kg): sekitar 16,5
item pengukuran: Kekerasan, Kelengketan, Kekompakan, Kerapuhan (kerapuhan), Elastisitas, Pengunyahan (pengunyahan), Gumping,
Kelengketan Pengujian yang Didukung: Uji Tekstur (Dengan metode analisis profil tekstur), Uji Kekuatan Jelly (JIS K 6503), Uji Kompresi, Uji Tarik, Uji Pengupasan
Kecepatan pengujian: 1 hingga 600 mm/menit
Resolusi beban: 0,01 N (0,001 N dapat ditampilkan)
Antarmuka: USB catu daya: AC100 hingga 240 V
Dengan fungsi berhenti otomatis yang berlebihan OS yang didukung: Windows ® 7/8/10
Attachment x 3 set,
Joint Shaft x 1 buah,
PC Software (TEX-PC1) x 1 buah,
Kabel Koneksi PC,
Memori USB,
Wadah Φ 40 mm (Terbuat dari Duracon),
Baki Stainless Steel Ukuran paket:470×430×530 mm 
Berat : 25 kg